Register your works

Registering a performing art work

The registration form is a legal document, like the "ID Card" of the work, which enables SACD to collect the royalties pertaining to the exploitation of your work(s) and pay you accordingly.

The form is also a contract between the various joint authors of a work and formalises everyone’s approval as to the apportionment of royalties based on their respective contribution.

The form is instrumental in keeping track of any adaptations of a work over time. If your work is used, "covered" or adapted, or if yourself you adapt or borrow from another author’s work, the registration form will help identify all the authors (original authors and authors of the derived version).

Performing art work registration

Registration form for a performing art work (English version)

Instructions in English in order to help you fill in the form

Associated performing art work declaration

Several works may be added to a “performing art work” as and when new shows or tours are organised. A dedicated registration form called “associated performing art work” may thus be used by the authors of such stage direction, choreographic and/or stage music work to register their own contribution. Such associated works are combined with an existing performing art work to enhance it with new material in the context of a spectacle. The “performing art work” may thereafter be performed, or presented as a reprise, with or without its “associated works” or again with new “associated performing art work”.

Registration form for an associated performing art work (French version)

Instructions in English in order to help you fill in the form

Explanatory notice (French version)

For all performing art lists

Several lists are available for you to report all of the items or titles making up your work:

Instructions in English in order to help you fill in the form

“List of works” (sketches, choreographies, scripts...) can be used to “declare” the title of each piece of work (sketch...) included in your work (French version)

“List of music pieces”, whether already existing, original or in the Public Domain (French version)

Authorisation for work(s) to be exploited

SACD is mandated by its authors-members to manage their performance rights in the context of performing arts.

The author nevertheless retains the right to authorise or deny performance of his/her work. As part of this mandate, SACD is involved in the formalisation of the agreement given to the live show entrepreneur in the form of a letter of engagement or agreement. The latter are limited in time and geographical scope of application while also providing for the mode of exploitation, exclusive or non-exclusive rights and the terms for collection of the royalties.

Performing: remuneration

A written work is the fruit of the work of its author and is the author's property.

By virtue of the above, an author is entitled to remuneration in exchange for the exploitation of his/her work. Any work (theatre text, staging, choreography, etc) declared in the SACD repertoire must give rise to remuneration every time the work is performed.

Proportional remuneration

Under the terms of proportional remuneration, the royalties are equal to a percentage of the performance's takings, or of its selling price. Alternatively, a minimum guaranteed amount will be calculated. In any case, SACD will use whatever solution is most advantageous to the author.

Distribution of royalties at short notice

Following performance of the work, the author receives, a royalties’ statement, and money is transferred to the author's account. Just like a normal salary, authors' rights are liable to tax and social charges (social security, additional pension contribution, and the CSG and RDS mandatory contributions, in France). The payment of authors' rights does not relieve the producer from remunerating the author for his contribution as a choreographer or stage director, as the case may be.

Registering an audiovisual work

To allow SACD to collect your royalties and pay you accordingly.

The registration form is a legal document, like the "ID Card" of the work, which enables SACD to collect the royalties pertaining to the exploitation of your work(s) and pay you accordingly.

The form is also a contract between the various joint authors of a work and formalises everyone’s approval as to the apportionment of royalties as per their respective contribution.

The form is instrumental in keeping track of any adaptations of a work over time.  If your work is used, "covered" or adapted, or if yourself you adapt or borrow from another author’s work, the registration form will help identify all the authors (original authors and authors of the derived version).

Text for Television and Radio

Registration form for writing a TV or Radio work (English version)

Instructions in English in order to help you to fill in the registration form for writing a TV or Radio work

Registration form for creating a TV series / bible (English version)

Explanatory notice (French version)

Definition of the bible (French version)

Directing for Television

Registration form for directing a television work (English version)

Instructions in English in order to help you to fill in the form

List of registered episodes

If your registration concerns a non-unitary work (series, sitcoms, episodes…), you may have to register several episodes at once.

List of registered episodes (English version)


Registration form for a film (English version)

Instructions in English in order to help you to fill in the form

Explanatory notice (French version)

Making of

Registration form for a making of  (French version)

Broadcasting of a performing art work

Registration form for the broadcasting of a performing art work (French version)

Explanatory notice (French version)

Audiovisual: remuneration

Any exploitation of a work registered in the repertoire of SACD is subject to remuneration of the author every time it is broadcasted.

Collective management of authors’ rights

By joining SACD, an author entrusts the Society with the right to authorise or refuse the public performance and the reproduction of his/her works. This is materialised in every contract by the addition of a reddendum which governs SACD’s interaction with French-speaking broadcasters.

By virtue of this assignment, SACD has, in most cases jointly with other authors societies, negotiated a so-called “general representation contract” with all of the French broadcasters. Under the terms of this contract, any broadcaster is authorised to exploit the works of the repertoire of signatory societies against a global remuneration proportional to all of its proceeds, whether in the form of royalties, advertising, sponsoring or subscriptions.

SACD is also involved whenever the work is exploited by television, radio, Video-on-demand (VoD), on audio (CD) or video (DVD) media.

Royalties collection

In the framework of collective management

For television, cinema and radio works, the SACD collects for the collection of royalties generated through the general contracts signed with TV broadcasters and/or operators, whether terrestrial TV, satellite or cable TV, Video-on-demand (VoD), as well as the remuneration for private copying.

Collection from broadcasters: broadcasters pay an annual fee proportional to their revenues to all authors’ societies. The amount is then broken down between the various societies according to the use of their respective repertoires.

As part of individual management

Whether your contract is signed by the SACD or not, it should mandatorily include the SACD reddendum clause.

When the contract is negotiated by the SACD, the SACD takes care of controling:

  • the producers' statement of revenue from using/broadcasting the works,
  • the various sales that the producer may make/have made in order to check if the guaranteed minimum iscovered.

When the contract is negotiated directly with a producer, SACD can deal with the producers if all three requirements below are met:

  • no remuneration has yet been received,
  • there is no pending litigation,
  • the contract indeed conforms with SACD’s fundamental rules.

Distribution of royalties

The distribution of royalties between the authors is based on the allocation or “distribution” key mentioned to in the work Registration Form. Distribution is made:

  • For rights subject to « individual management»: on the 14th of the month following reception of the royalties,
  • For rights subject to «collective management»: most of the time according to a quarterly schedule.